The EB-5 Integrity Fee for Fiscal Year 2025 is due on October 1, 2024. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the annual fee is due at the start of each fiscal year.
The annual fee, as established in the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 (“RIA”), is $20,000 for each such regional center, except for those with 20 or fewer total investors in the preceding fiscal year (that is, October 1- September 30) in its new commercial enterprises, in which case the annual fee is $10,000. Regional Centers must pay this fee to avoid termination.
USCIS has strictly enforced this rule in the past. In July, USCIS issued dozens of Notices of Intent to Terminate (NOITs) despite the widespread confusion on the recently implemented rule. Williams Global Law Founder, Attorney Simone Williams, explained the EB-5 Integrity Fee and the importance of its timely payment in an Invest in the USA (IIUSA) blog post on July 30, 2024. See blog post, here.
To find out more about the EB-5 Integrity Fee, visit this link.
If you are seeking more information as an immigrant investor or regional center, please schedule a consultation with our expert attorneys.