The tiny Caribbean island of Dominica offers the cheapest deal for citizenship is on. For an investment of $100,000 plus various fees, as well as an in-person interview on the island, citizenship can be bought.
As a citizen of Dominica, you can take advantage of a range of personal benefits which include:
Becoming a citizen of this peaceful and welcoming country for life through one of the oldest and most trusted citizenship by investment programs
Visa-free travel to around 120 countries, including Singapore and Hong Kong
Minimal taxation – no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income or capital gains tax
Full residence status, with the right to live and work in Dominica
Dual citizenship is allowed
There is no requirement to reside in Dominica before or after citizenship is granted
The application process is confidential
Visa-free access to Europe’s Schengen Area
Since Dominica is a Commonwealth nation, citizens get special privileges in the United Kingdom